January 28, 2005
Danny Peterson is a lot like you and me. Father. Young grandfather. American. Never in trouble with the law. But Danny Peterson holds a federal license to sell guns and in January 2004 he made the "mistake" of exhibiting at the Las Vegas Gun Show.
Eight BATFE agents roamed the aisles at that show that weekend, itching to find somebody to bust. They picked Danny, who had done absolutely nothing wrong. They decided he was their target for the weekend -- even after he refused to go along with their repeated attempts to talk him into breaking the law! Thus one more innocent American gun owner ended up fighting for his very life against corrupt, lying BATFE agents.
Read a news story and an editorial about this grotesque prosecution on the JPFO web site. Cheer Danny's victory over the BATFE, but think about how easily this kind of BATFE attack could happen to you or people you know -- and what it could cost you. It cost Danny a year of his life, his security, and who knows how much money.
Two points we'd like to bring out before you go off to read the details:
First, Danny Peterson's story is getting international attention via this alert because one man (who asked that we not reveal his name) saw our DVD "BATFE Fails the Test" and brought Danny's story to our attention. "BATFE Fails the Test" is working. Our goal in releasing it was to keep the ball rolling on the renewed effort to leash that mad-dog federal agency. The facts about the BATFE need to come to light -- and thanks to you, those facts are emerging so that decision-makers won't be able to ignore them.
Second, the kind of tactics used against Danny Peterson (tactics that failed to destroy him, but that have ruined the lives of others) are police state tactics. With the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz just past, we should be extra aware of the danger of allowing any government agency to target any group for persecution. When the targeted group is gun owners, the danger is especially acute, as we demonstrated in the JPFO documentary Innocents Betrayed. Remember: to take power, tyrants must know that the people can't (or are too afraid to) shoot back at them. Is that the role the BATFE is playing for the coming, all- controlling U.S. mega-government? Judge for yourself -- but be aware and be wary.
- The Liberty Crew