Author Topic: winter project done  (Read 564 times)

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Offline clodbuster

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winter project done
« on: February 05, 2005, 10:21:00 AM »
Got to the range today with my now complete winter project.  That would be a Rem 760 in 270Win.  Refinished the wood with tung oil,  completely disassembled and cleaned.  Got a 2.5x8 Swift scope on it.  For ammo I loaded 130 gr pspcl bullet over 56 grains of IMR 4831 in a Fed case.  It shoots about 1.25" groups.  That's a dead deer per shot accuracy.  Now I'll have to be sad for a minute since the job is done.  Just load refinement left to do.  Oh well its 60degrees and sunny here today and I got to shoot.  Life is good.
Preserve the Loess Hills!!!

Offline Whelen Nut

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winter project done
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2005, 08:08:44 AM »

I've had some experience with several .270's in the M7600.  For whatever reason, I've found they like the 150grain loads better.  Mine especially likes the Speer Spitzer flat base with either H4831 or R-22.  

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Offline clodbuster

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ammo tip
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2005, 02:03:39 PM »
Thanks Whelen Nut!  I'll give the 150 gr a try.  Have been trying to find a lighter recoiling load though.  Got spoiled shooting a 250 Savage last year.  Almost no noticeable kick but not as much whump as the 270.  It sure did drop a nice 8 point buck last fall after he made about 2 jumps. The 100 grainer through the lungs left nottin' but red liquid inside.
Preserve the Loess Hills!!!