Author Topic: First time back on the water??  (Read 660 times)

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Offline 1911crazy

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First time back on the water??
« on: March 13, 2003, 03:04:59 AM »
Ok its the first time back on the water(for us northern guys(cold/snow) you southern guys can post too) and finally spring what lure are you going to use first??  Early am in the shallows still a chill in the air the water is 50degrees your in the most nothern section of the lake(warmest)?? what gets your vote?? Is it shallow crankbaits? inline spinners? plastic worms or lizzards? Remember 50degrees and prespawn is the key. I'm just looking for more suggestions and what you do, we can share information and all learn something new? sorry i left out topwater baits?

I'm most likely two weeks away from fishing this 50degree/prespawn I hope the ice is off by then. It has been a normal New England winter up here in the northeast I just wonder wer ear ethe global warming guys now?? Its been below normal temps and below zero here three different times this winter. Do you think fishing will be different because of the colder temps?