Went by the local snob shop gun store today, just to see what was new. Picked up a box of bullets and a one piece base for my Sav 110 project I am working on. Guess what was in the gun rack...a 204 Ruger. I asked the guy if I could look at it. He handed it to me, my hands started to trimble. I thought I might be having a heart attack or something like that. My breathing started getting shallow and a cold sweat broke out on my upper lip and forehead. My mouth got dry and I started taking real short breaths. I looked at the tag, my vision was getting kind of blurry, but I think it said $219. I think it had the 22 inch heavy barrel, not sure, couldn't see real good, was having trouble focusing my eyes. Also had laminated stocks but not the cinnamon. Just barely made it out the door before I started grabbing for my wallet, was actually almost running. Now here is my problem........should I go back tomorrow to check on the price and is $219 a good price. Seems so to me. I think my pulse was somewhat elevated also. I think these things must be made of Kryptonite, cause I just start getting weak when I get around a new one. I thought I might have to call like2hunt to talk me thru it but I knew that was not going to work either, so I just gritted my teeth and went on over to Wallyworld. I justified leaving because I thought they might could order one cheaper, but alas, they didn't even have one in the book or rack. I was afraid to go back by the gun shop. Took another way home. Tell me I did good.....cry: :cry: