burris 2x7, i think you mean :wink:
i have my 3x12 burris on my 15" 7-08. it is mounted with a 3 ring redfield mount. i like the mount and it looks great. mid south shooters supply carries them. on this mount, two of the rings dovetail in, and the 3rd sits out front with screws that hold it in from the sides.
this ring setup should be lapped to true the rings before mounting. i then place friction pads(sticky back labels) inside the ring halves.
another option for a nice 3 ring setup is a weaver base with 3 leupold vertical split rings. wal-mart here carries the rings. of course ya gotta buy 2 sets to get 3 rings, but they are not too expensive and you already get a leftover ring for a second setup.
burris signature zee rings are great also, but it would add more cost to the mount. they have the plastic inserts that give several nice functions such as not having to "lap", they leave no scope marks, and +- inserts are available to compensate for uneven bases or long rang shooting elevation changes.