PS I dont know why anyone would expect free samples when the rest of us pay for them. These other bullet makers are just trying to buy a good review. Its called "payola."
Clearly you don't know much about the way things are run around here.
Two points.
First in regard this particular discussion. A question was asked about them. None of us had experience with them. Jim commented he could test them if he had samples. I commented that I could likely get him some. Turned out I was wrong. BUT Jim has already made it abundantly clear he will only be a part of a review if he can tell it precisely as he sees it. That he is doing reviews is proof he has that freedom here at GBO.
Second regarding free samples of bullets. Anyone doing reviews of products must either have a huge income (which I don't. I'm retired on a limited income) or get some of the items needed for no cost.
I buy many of the products I review here. More guns than not are what I buy with my funds. Some are provided at no charge to me but have to be either returned at my expense or I must buy them. Then I have to provide all the cases, bullets, primers, power, etc and time to do the reviews. Without help from manufacturers who want to see their products listed I'd have to not do the reviews as I just don't have the income to buy all the stuff. On all such reviews I end up with a good deal of my own money invested. Only if an item doesn't require such components for the review can I come out even on the deal. Even then if I have to pay to return it I'm out of pocket on it.
Sending the items to be reviewed at no cost buys them nothing really. Except a review and honest opinion of it. Now I do have some basic guide lines I generally follow.
If I ask for a product and it turns out to be a real loser I tell them not you. I asked for it, they didn't ask me to do it. I own them a chance to make it right or do no review. Later if asked about the product I'll give my honest opinion of it but won't do a review.
If someone asks me to review their product the report goes up. Good bad or indifferent it is posted.
Examples of this are Barnes Bullets. I asked. They send. I tried and didn't like. Wouldn't shoot in my guns. I didn't do the review. But when the subject comes up I do mention I don't like them, can't make them shoot in my guns. Another is the Barnes Handgun bullets. Didn't like them, was asked to take a new look with new sample. Did and they worked OK. Review reflects all of this.
If it ain't good I don't say it is. I report my findings and opinions as honestly as I know how. Good products get good reviews. No one pays me to do these reviews and over the time I've been doing them I've spent a lot of my own funds. Just to let you folks who don't pay one red cent to use this site know how they worked out.
After you've paid the money needed to run a site like this at no cost whatsoever to the folks who use it, and bought all of your own guns, bullets, etc and done a hundred or so reviews, come back and tell me about it.