I have had great success with an electronic training device to be politically correct. I've kept hunting dogs over 20 years, and have had hundreds looking for that special one. The training collar is the best investment any handler can make. No more yelling, cursing, whipping etc.......they work when used correctly.
I set the collar to the lowest level, where when you turn it on the dog just raises his ears. Put the dog on a 50 foot cable, turn on the collar, call him, and when he starts to come turn it off. This teaches him who turns it on and who turns it off. They have to know this before the real training starts, and failure to introduce the dog to the collar properly will result in the dog leaving the country.
The thing about training collars is not to over use them. One hit applied at the right time will solve most problems because the dog already knows who turns it on and who turns it off. The biggest problem most people have is they use them at the wrong time, and far to often.
I will say that I can't make a dog do anything......but I can make him wish he had.........
Buy a good one and it will last........