I've been going through the same thing with a new-to-me .22-250. It's not a T/C, nor even a handgun, but the same principles should apply.
My first try was with some previously-fired brass from another gun. My results were poor. I aquired some factory ammo and tested it. It didmuch better. I set my seater die off the factory ammo, for overall length. I'm still monkeying with the sizer & neck sizer. My second attempt was much better.
I also went a step further, and chronographed the factory loads. The closer I get to their velocity, the more similar my handloads' groups become to the factory fodder. Even the POI is moving to a similar place! I'm working slowly, watching for pressure signs and miking case head expansion. I fully expect that when I find the powder to equal factory pressure/velocity, at the same OAL, the grouping will be the same, or better. Then I will have an idea if it is a "fast" or "slow" barrel, where on the scale of pressure it "likes" to be, and can then begin to change other things like seating depth, different bullets (working up, or down as needed) and such things as that. HTH.