first, i can't say enough about these heavy barrel 20 ga. guns!!!!!! now, about your question, first you have to find a slug that shoots in your gun. i have a ultra 20 ga. and i bought 3 kinds of slugs to start with. remington cor lokt ultra 260 gr, winchester partition gold 260 gr, and federal EXpander 5/8 oz 3''. the rems and the wins wouldlt group inside 6'' at 50 yds :eek: :eek: then i put the federals in the same hole (3 shots) at 50 yds. since then, after finding the slug my gun shoots good i have shot (3/4") groups at 100 yds and 2" at 125 and 2.5-3.5" at 150 yds. the trick is fiding the slug that shoots good in yours. some body else probley shoots same hole w/ winchester or remington and won't group the federals worth a darn :eek: ya just gotta fing the slug. these 20 ga. slugs(sabot slug over 1600 fps) also have plenty of power to take the biggest deer out to 200 yds!.