You all are no doubt familiar with those posts and maybe some polls asking "If you could have only one rifle, what would it be?"
Well,I have several that I really like - all different types too! And I have never satisfactorily answered it to myself.
BTW, My wife gives me heck and says "A real rifleman has only one rifle." Yeah OK - She has an alterior motive ! A real woman has only one pocketbook! HA HA
I did most of my deerhunting this winter with my Dad's pre-64 model 94 3030. It is not in perfect shape but is beautiful anyway. I put a Lyman 66 (vintage of course) on it last year and began to discover how well this rifle can shoot. After carrying it around the woods for two weeks straight, it hit me that this Win Model 94 would be the one -if I had to.
If I had to leave the house for good and could only carry one rifle - This has to be it. Look at my reasons.
1) 30 -30 - Demonstrated as successful at taking almost every kind of big game on our continent . The stories abound!
2) Easy to obtain ammo - Every hardware and Dept store has it.
3) Fast handling follow up shots - I am better with follow up with this 30-30 than I am in rapid fire sitting or prone with my M1A.
4) Short and handy - lighweight.
5) Don't really need a scope to be effective with it. Peep is good to 100 yds easy.
6) A big one though I list it last -- Sentimental -It was Dad's and he just up and gave it to me one day, and I'll feel good handing it down the same way. Would miss it sorely if I "walked out" with another rifle.
I just read the post about the short range 30 WCF ammo-- Adds more flexibility - another plus !!
Anyone come to the same conclusions (or different ones)?? - Maybe I'll post this on one of the other forums. Kind of easy saying this on the lever action forum.