Generally with the faster twist the patched round balls will shoot good if you lower the powder charge and velocity. Next time you get a chance try some of your target loads at 100 and see what happens.
Yes, but actually, one of the main points of the post was to illustrate there's no truth to the old wives tales that 1:48" twists won't shoot powerful round ball hunting loads addition to this one I just picked up, all my others are accurate as well.
The biggest challenge of tight groups at 100yds with open sights is simply being able to precisely set up an identical aim point the same way every time...for this range trip, I used a tip I learned on another board which provided significantly increased visibility for a repeatable aiming point.
I took a sheet of bright hot pink paper and cut a big triangle out of it, stapled the triangle to the target backing upside down, so there's a point at the very bottom...then just precisely set that point on top of the bead every time...worked great.