I, too, shot an Omega .50 AND a muzzy 12 gauge double. I have a Pedersoli with the screw-in chokes tubes. I know, not 'buckskinner' but neither is my inline.
I use the XXfull and Xfull choke tubes and have had no problems 'harveting' Mr Tom. I shoot #4 in the XXfull barrel and #5 in the Xfull barrel. Why? heck, these gave me the best patterns.
I began with Pyrodex but changed to BlackMag'3 this past season (both in the shotgun and inline). I use a slip-on recoil pad and have no complains with recoil.
If you can, find a fellow shooter and try his/her muzzy shotgun. BUT, do not cut corners on 'quality' in favor of price. You get what you pay for, in my opinion.
I do not believe, IF you like muzzy shooting, you will regret getting a muzzy shotgun. I chose the double over a single for a quick second shot, but have yet needed the second barrel, but it is there IF needed. I have used the muzzy for two seasons, harvested two turkeys, one with EACH barrel. One was closer than the other. Pattern your gun and know your gun's killing range, with each barrel/load.