I've used Rooster Red for a while, but lately I've taken to making my own "alloy". I melt two sticks of RR and a stick of Lyman orange magic and cast them in a mold I made from a piece of threaded pipe that fits into a wood base with a tube up through the center. The hollow sticks then fit into my Lyman lubrisizer. I feel this is a good mix and I used it for everything from 7mm to .458, both pistol and rifle with excellent results. They are only slightly tacky, more of a waxy feel.
The biggest and best intervention to minimizing stickiness is to use powdered mica from Midway. I don't know the price, but I ordered a 4oz tub about 5 years ago. It came in a tub about 3.5 inches high and 3.5 inches in diameter and I've only used maybe one tenth of it. The stuff works fantastic for lubricating the disks on the Lee pro auto disk powder measure too.
I take a quart freezer bag with lubed bullets (about 250 of 115gr size, less if larger) I add about 3 teaspoons of mica and agitate the bag. Works like a charm. Store them in rubbermaid containers with lids so no grit finds its way down your barrel.