One of the problems with the angle-loks is they can easily damage a scope if they aren't aligned properly and then lapped.
The only proper way to use them safely is with a
ring alignment tool that is mounted in each ring, then the ends of the tool are lined up at their center points using the lateral adjustment in the clamps.
The second step with Milletts or any other regular ring is to properly lap the rings so they provide a good bed for the scope so the rings don't damage the scope and to provide as much contact between ring and scope.
The Burris Signature Zees don't need all that work to get the same results, a safe bed for the scope in the rings.
You've all seen scopes for sale that indicate the scope has "ring marks" in the description....well, those ring marks reduce a scopes value, if it's a cheap scope, no loss, but any scope I own is worth maintaining it's value so I can sell it for closer to what I paid for it should I ever choose to.....won't happen if it's got ring marks in it....just go to Ebay and take a look at postings there and watch what scopes with no marks on them go for.
I have no doubt that a lot of scopes that shooters have blamed for being inaccurate or a failure were the owner's ignorant mounting procedures that damage the scope's internals without them having a clue.
The Signature Zee rings cost a bit more, but they are reuasable and aren't that much more compared to the value they offer.
They're easy to mount if you have any dexterity at all and they have excellent instructions for mounting. The offset inserts are a pleasure to use if you have a misaligned base, barrel or offset bore which I have had happen on one of my HandiRifles and I've seen it happen on RFC, AR and PM enough to know it does happen and they can be a lifesaver.
I've seen the Milletts praised and I've seen them cussed, they are cast and have a bad habit of breaking, Millett has a great customer NO service department from a lot of posts I've read at AR and PM.
Burris on the hand has excellent customer service, I buy Sig Zees 4 to 6 pairs at a time and got one set that one of the base clamps had no relief cut it so it wouldn't tighten on the base. Took a pic, emailed it to Burris CS with an explanation, they sent me a whole new set within a week, no questions asked....
Stepping off the soap box.... :wink: