Ok lost Okie, as quick said, the prices are pretty good, a great way to get brass also. I will have to work something out with friends in neighboring states though, since this liberal bastion of Massachusetts will not allow me to buy ammo through the mail!!! Or components either for that matter, not even round balls for my muzzleloaders, as if I am going to hold up a bank or start an uprising with a single shot, black powder, side hammer, replica of Davy Crocketts squirrel gun!!! Oh sure, they have our best interests at heart, NOT, our liberal, socialist, democrat, Attorney General will do anything to outlaw guns or anything to do with them!!!
:oops: , Sorry guys, I got carried away....
Back to the point, Lost Okie, now that you have our curiosity peaked with that reference to WC ammo, which bullet/ammo do you have if it's not a 52 grain boat tail? As Stiff Neck said they don't offer that, I checked and in .223 they offer only a 55 grain Barnes, PSP or FMJ loading, please advise which gave you the good accuracy...Thanks....<><.... :grin: