Well, my first Encore pistol arrived yesterday! Got it set up with a 12" t/c 44mag heavy barrel and a Bushnell Holosight. Stainless steel, of course! can't wait to get it to the range, but looks like rain for the next few days, so it will have to wait. :cry:
First impressions are great...trigger pull is not so bad as some people make it out to be, feels 'bout 4-5 lbs which is a-ok with me for hunting purposes.
I really like the holosight...being able to keep both peepers open while aiming is neat. I hope it holds up well under recoil!!
Now, I get to start dreaming of the barrel collection I need to amass, some extra grips....you guys know...... :wink:
Will post a range report as soon as the weather permits...
Best to all,
Mike in E N.C.