:cb2: I have to Hunter holsters, model 68-100 for scoped handguns. One small for my S&W 617 (.22), and one full sized for a (.44) Ruger Bisley.
www.huntercompany.com/hunter.htmlMernickle is making a cross draw for me, even as we speak (write?), for a 4" M-57 (.41). I told them I wanted it for field use and concealed carry, and they fixed me up with a new style that isn't on the web site yet.
You started out with the bandoleer holster, but I haven't tried it yet. Got my eye on the Pistol Packaging Banditos holster. It looks pretty sharp.
www.pistolpackaging.com/When carrying a regular (non-scoped) .44 in the field, I just use my regular CSA single action rig. It's pretty comfortable.
Someone else I looked at that you may in interested in for a cross-draw rig is Rusty Sherrick. His stuff looks pretty darn good. Good enough that I may have to buy a new gun just to order a new holster for it!
www.c-rusty.com/pages/holsters/field.htmlGood luck. We have thrown a lot of information at'cha. Hope some of it helps. Let us know what you decide!