My apologies for posting, “Have Conservatives Lost Their Edge”, I really thought we could have fun with this. No issues with free speech it is a private forum. The liberal or conservative bashing, we have traded in has brought me some good laughs and forced me to re-think some views. I never viewed it as a personal attack, but took it as well meant criticism of my views. I would hope that we could all continue to look for and laugh at the ironies that politics and politician provide us, not to mention ourselves. In Hindsight I should have included a “right” to “left” example and a classic liberal reference, so in fairness:
Liberals like Clinton, think government service is like animal husbandry; you bend people over a desk and then you service them.
The only reason Kerry kept saying, “wrong war wrong time”, was because it was the right thing to do and he did not think of it.
Waco was Janet RenoÂ’s idea of religious freedom.
Again my apologies, I will have to remain content with being left, as it were, with the mediocre bashings of late.
Life is no joke but funny things happen