me personally......first thing i'd try would be imr4198 with 125-135gr bullets. h4198, could do well....i've never shot it. i've had good reports on AA2015, RL-7, and RL-10X also.
i havn't shot many 150's, but have good reports from IMR3031, RL-7, and W748.
i shoot 130gr hornady ssp's for my current deer load. the 125gr sierra sp shoots great in my barrel. i need to try it in a hunting load.
i shot a few 165gr sierra's with blue dot powder that was really accurate, but they were fireform loads with reduced charge of blue dot powder.
my bullet choices..... :? 110gr v-max,125gr nosler, 125gr sierra sp, 130gr hornady ssp, 135gr sierra sspb(if ya can get it), 150gr nosler bt, and 150gr hornady sst. depending what i wanted to shoot, or hunt.
it's hard for me to nail it down much closer. the dang barrel shoots a lot of stuff excellent. :shock: i started with imr4198, and 130gr hornady's, and it was great off the bat.
h4895 showed potential.......h335 was accurate also, but puts out a heck of a fireball. :shock: