Author Topic: NEW 375WIN barrel has real long throat,is this good or bad?  (Read 388 times)

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Offline mstake

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NEW 375WIN barrel has real long throat,is this good or bad?
« on: March 28, 2005, 10:01:05 AM »
just open my new 375 win barrel from fox ridge outfitters and was doing a initial poking and prodding. i loaded up a dummy round to get a seating depth and the bullet(200 sierras) barely seated  in the neck  didn't touch the riflings. loaded another dummy and tried again and maybe .010 to.020 in the neck the bullet touched the riflings? is this good or is it bad. will that be enough of a seat for the bullet? that wouldn't be enough for good neck tension  would it. what do you guys think
life member of North American Hunting Club >1994 to present

Offline Curtis

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NEW 375WIN barrel has real long throat,is t
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2005, 12:06:00 PM »
All of my factory TC barrels have long throats.  Some worse than others.  You can give up the idea of trying to seat the bullet just off the lands.  If you need to vary the seating depth to find what your gun likes, that's ok but try to have close to one caliber worth of bullet still in the case.  My barrels shoot just fine that way.

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Offline Pinkerton

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NEW 375WIN barrel has real long throat,is t
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2005, 03:25:54 PM »
I had a 375 SuperMag bullberry barrel that I bought used off E-bay, The troat was so long I though it maybe it had been rechambered to 375 Win. No matter where I seated the bullets the thing shot like it ment it. Someone explained to me at the time why bullberry chambered these with a long throat but I can't remember the rational for sure (think it was for IHMSA shooters using long cast bullets?) but didn't care after it shot so well with whatever I stuck in it.

Give it a try and see what works, I'm thinking it's neither a good thing or bad thing

Good luck

Offline Dan Chamberlain

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Long Throats
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2005, 01:55:06 AM »
Yup.  The long throat it so you can load the heavy cast bullets to the lands.  You don't need to worry about jacketed bullets.  It will shoot just fine.

Dan C