Hello everyone,
I'm looking for suggestions or load information for my .375 H&H Thompson Center Encore from you guys that probably have a lot more experience with this round than I do.
I plan to use this round for all-around hunting: whitetail deer, mule deer, elk, etc. The whitetail deer hunting will probably be in the Louisiana/Texas area, while mulies and elk would be in New Mexico or Colorado (if I ever have the chance to go back).
So, any load information you can give me is greatly appreciated. Here's my current load information:
Case(s): W-W; Remington
Primer: Remington 9-1/2
Bullet: Hornady 270gr SP
Hornady 270gr SP Interlock
Powder: IMR 4350
Load: 77.2 grains
Chronographed @ 2602 fps
Thanks in advance......Karl