Another thing that you might want to do to the rifle is bed the scope rail since it will come with the standard base. For that you just take the rail off, and degrease it good, then apply a releasing agent to it(some sort of oil works good), then smear JB weld on the area that the base overhangs the chamber area, and attach your scope base on snugly. Before it completely dries, take a wet rag and wipe any excess that "seeps" out from the edges of the base. It took me two times to get it so that the JB completely filled the area, and looked good(one on top of the other to fill any gaps from the first application). This will help keep the base from bending/moving from recoil, and the weight of the scope(in case it's a larger varmint type). Another thing that I did was take a small punch, and knock out the rearmost pin on the barrel lug...this will release the ejector, and two springs for it(don't knock it all the way out, or you will have a devil of a time getting it back in). When it's out, you will be able to clean the ejector out really good, and hopefully reduce the chances of a stuck case. Then just line the holes back up, and put 'er back together. And one last thing, my rifle likes 27.3gr. of Varget, 50gr. V-Max, and CCI BR-4 primers in Lake City brass. Good luck.