Intrepid Wizard wrote:
Fwed,except as a Watch Dog tell us the Libertarians contributions to society,name the outstanding Legislatures ,Governors etc.
the answer is none. I believe it's to bad, but also think it stems from a few things. First, they use only their own money to run for office, they can't compete with democrats and republicans using public funds.
Next, they are never invited to debates. Other than Ross Peroit who has been. The major party's have a lock there. And why don't they invite them themselves? And next, the american people would rather live with the welfare state we have than risk losing anything personal at all. God forbid we didn't have public schools, public trans(which few use), a cop on every street corner that for some reason is always to late to help.
Americans do not want freedom or liberty if there is a price to pay. Rather they want government to hand out what it deems necessary and except that cowing down to them keeps them from getting hurt. Imagine what would happen if either the democrats or republicans re-instituted the draft, eliminated social security or did away with welfare. Imagine if government told the people that they had to be responsible in all things in their life and there were no more hand out's.
It is the social welfare state that will alway's overcome civil liberty's. And so the libertarians have little to offer the majority. And to many that think they do also believe that voting their feelings, if it means not voting democrat or republican, would be throwing away their vote. So, in the last election, which of the lesser of two evils did you vote for?