never run the press ram up without a case in the shellholder. And camming over has GREAT mechanical leverage, plenty enough to ruin any die.
Always use a case,,test fit bullets until you get a tight enough fit in case neck.
You can set the press/die up to 'cam over', but it is easy to use too much pressure if not set correctly. If you want to 'cam over',,,begin with almost no sizing/effort. Screw die down bit by bit testing at each setting. When you feel some effort in cam over,,stop. Test bullet pull at this setting.
Setting the press/die for 'stop' action [not quite to the 'cam over' point],,will give more feel for what's going on with sizing action. It takes more pressure on the press handle, but if you don't 'cam over', it is harder to damage the die this way. Much less leverage when the die is set down low enough to 'come up tight' before the cam over action begins.
Confused now?!
Alan in GA.