Why increase the bullet weight for whitetails? I took three whitetails last year with a 220 grain Dead Centers. Put it in the pump house and it doesn't matter much what weight you're shooting. SHOT PLACEMENT - ACCURACY REIGNS SUPREME! They're really not "big game" animals.
Actually, the one that covered the greatest distance was taken at 45 yrds. It was a head on shot. The lead entered at the base of her neck, traveled through the sternum, into the lungs, cut a swath through her heart that you could conoe through, and then penetrated her guts. She stayed on her feet for a solid 75 yards and then thrashed for a good minute. Unbelievable :roll: :? I was in a tree stand and actually could see her the whole time. I was just getting ready to put a second one in her when she finally expired. It just killed me. I fealt so bad, thinking that I had made a marginal shot that caused this animal to suffer.... Then I got down and dressed her.... Afther I saw where the shot went, I knew she was dead on her feet the whole time. A second shot would have done nothing. I'm convinced, you hit the heart and that deer is going to go farther than a double lung shot.
I digress....
I've never shot the Encore, but I do know that their bores are really tight. I hear that they really like the Barnes Spitfires or the Buffalo Bullet Special Sabots. Find a round that is accurate in your iron, and shoot it.
For what it's worth, for me, BM3 is AWESOME in terms of cleanliness, but my groups opened up about 1-2 inches with it as opposed to 777.
I'm sold on 100 gr of 777 and any bullet that will give you MOA in front of it. Good hunting