I think it's interesting that we blame a store for what our society has changed into. Walmart wouldn't exist, at least at the prolific level it does, if not supported by the greed of society. Walmart puts no one out of business, people do. I happen to work for them(Walmart), and why I'm not particularly in love with the company, compared to those businesses they have "replaced", I'd say the businesses got what they deserved. I"ve also worked in small "Mom and Pop" stores, where I was paid as little as possible to do as much as possible by individuals whose employer/employee relationship practices must have been gleaned from old Nazi handbooks. No health insurance, no benefits whatever, and I'm supposed to mourn their passing? I don't think so. And not because they couldn't have afforded to provide more; many lived quite well, and were simply too greedy(that word again) to provide better wages/care for their employees. They wanted every red cent of their profits...no overhead allowed. As a second issue, as some one has stated, Walmart has long recognized that the Handicapped/older citizens(55 and up) are still capable of providing a great deal of productive work, and generally provide a loyal, stable work force. Our store relies heavily on older and handicapped workers(full time with all benefits) even though the store is located in a town with a large University(State College, Pa....Penn State). I've worked in a couple of other Chain stores who insisted on using part time student help heavily, and they went out of business because students simply dont usually stay around long enough to be knowledgeable workers, or do they much give a crap what they accomplish(not all of them), or even if they show up to work at all. These businesses failed from their own greed and stupid business practices...not Walmart showing up. Walmart is currently the only large store left in the town....but, again, I don't blame Walmart for that. When folks bitch to me about other stores disappearing, and now they have to wait in long lines(gee....sometimes they have to wait 15 minutes), I tell them exactly what I'm saying here....we did it folks....not walmart. I still do drive 33 miles to Grices and Bob's Army/Navy...not because they are "small" businesses, but because they are "good" businesses who will provide me what I need quicker than ordering it from our store catalog(even though I get a 10% discount); but I also buy at the store also. Far as I'm concerned, American business is about the survival of the smartest(smart= good customer serice, decent(not necessarily the lowest) prices,a willingness to invest in their emplyoyee's etc, etc.. Too many of the lamented small businesses that fell by the wayside were crap to begin with; run by individuals whose greed makes Walmart look like a Sister Theresa clone in comparison. Just had to get that off my chest, and I realize that I've stated a lot of generalites to which there are many exceptions. The point being....we the people(consumers) do it, not some Evil Business.
As an aside; our sporting goods section is reasonably well stocked with guns, ammo and accessories. All of the folks who currently work in that section, both men and women, are quite knowledgeable hunters/shooters and the desk there often resembles one of them there old time gunstores, with folks standing around and shooting the bull, trading hunting/gun advice excetera. The store management encourages that, but then this is central PA where deer hunting is a way of life and the schools close the first two days of the season.