Came up with a plan to follow through with a custom pistol project. Might seem a bit humorous to some.
I bought a used Ruger Blackhawk 45Colt as a stablemate for my Super Blackhawk Hunter. My project plan:
Flattop the frame
Recontour the front sight
Factory steel frame
Bisley hammer
Steel Ejector Rod Housing
Bullseye Ejector Rod
So, shortly after getting the BH home, I was pulled towards selling it for another firearm that caught my eye. I fought, and I fought, and I fought. My solution to the temptation......Ebay. I sold the grip frame, ejector rod housing and ejector rod. Now I'm sitting with an unshootable, basically worthless hunk of metal.
Today, I finally ordered the missing pieces from Brownells yesterday. Now, I have enough invested in the BH that I will be keeping it for the long-haul.