Author Topic: Liberal Mea Culpa  (Read 344 times)

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Offline fe352v8

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Liberal Mea Culpa
« on: April 21, 2005, 11:40:56 AM »

 I should not have sunk to a personal level, my apologies to you, lgm270, and the other members.  

What I find most perplexing about racism is that one can condemn an entire group based on national origin or ethnicity, based on the actions of a relatively few individuals that share that national origin or ethnicity, while at the same time absolving themselves of any blame or guilt for actions by others, with whom they share a similar national origin or ethnicity.

I suppose it is naive to even think it possible but, in 1963, a man gave a speech in Washington, D.C., and told of dream.  The message of that speech was one that I think, should be the goal of this country.

I think we should control our borders not for the benefit of any particular ethnic group, that happen to be citizens of this country, but for all the citizens of this country, regardless of their national origin or ethnicity.

The Declaration of Independence, while never adopted after the ratification of the Constitution, and thus not part of our legal frame work, is none the less a major part of our heritage.  To those that have forgotten it, the second paragraph opens with, “We hold these truths that all men are created equal”.  Since its’ writing, the word  “men” has come to be thought as meaning human beings.  These 10 words are the American Creed, they are what made this country different from any that had ever existed before the United States, and has shinned as an example to the rest of the world.

The belief that one race is superior to another is not only morally repugnant it is un-American.

Life is no joke but funny things happen  

life is no joke but funny things happen


Offline FWiedner

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Liberal Mea Culpa
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2005, 03:18:36 PM »

This rant isn't directed at you specifically, but to everyone in general.

Almost everybody gets a burr under their saddle once in a while.  When we sometimes get on a subject wherein strong feelings may occur, we'll try and hang on for the ride, it's almost involuntary.

I like people with opinions.  I like to chew on issues.  In the past, I haven't always been the best participant in a forum, but I'm hoping that I've learned something from visiting and participatiing at GBO.  To those I have offended in the past, I am truly regretful.  I'm working on it.

My concern here is not to prevent members from expressing their opinions, relating their experiences or even just getting gripes off their chest, but to try and make sure that we can do that with a consideration toward protecting Mr. Graybeard and his investment in this web-site.

I hate tippy-toeing around some subjects, but we need to keep in mind that this is supposed to be a family oriented web-site, so if we have those strong opinions, we need to try to present them in a way that won't make Mom blush or get the kids asking "Daddy, what does f*** mean?".

I know that as men living in the real world we are occassionally going to butt heads.  I like that kind of interaction, and I don't object to seeing it happen.  I'm just asking the participants in this forum to help me keep those participating on a level resembling reasoning adults.

Be aware that if I feel a need to slap on the tin-foil Moderator beanie, I'll do it.  I won't always be right, but I'll try.  Just know that it's not personal, I only want to protect Mr. Graybeard and try to have some friendly fun.

Maybe we can work on some serious subjects and have fun doing it.

What do you think?

They may talk of a "New Order" in the  world, but what they have in mind is only a revival of the oldest and worst tyranny.   No liberty, no religion, no hope.   It is an unholy alliance of power and pelf to dominate and to enslave the human race.