The 5.56 military usually has crimped in bullets and primers. They are a little higher pressure to work the actions of the semi auto rounds they are designed for. They are made so the primer doesn't back out and jamb the gun on firing. Recoil in the magazine does not push the crimped bullets further into the case.
All of the major ammunition manufacturors make a less expensive round that you can shoot. Winchester with WCC headstamp come in a white box. Federal American Eagles come in a red box and Remington/UMC ammo comes in a plain yellow box. You can get any of them for about 2.99 a box. Cheaper if you buy them by the case. Any of these will shoot fine in your gun. You can also find PMC and Sellier and Belloit at reasonable prices. (black hills reloads!)
Save your brass. You can use it for a trade if nothing else.
Check your local gun club and or shooting range. They will likely know of any local dealers that can order you a case at a really reasonable price. You can also check on the internet for sources.
Good luck.
p.s. you might be able to find military ammo cheaper. Most is made to NATO specs, but you never know what you are going to get. Try a test box before buying a whole case. :wink: