The knife in the Nessmuk series(written by George(?) Searles) was totally different. Back when I was first starting to make knives I bought a rough ground version of it in ATS-34 from Bob Engnath(now deceased for several years) and finished it. It now resides with a guy down in Tennessee. It was basically a guardless, slightly cranked(bent) knife with what we might call a semi-skinner blade design these days. Great knife. Searles himself was famous for taking off for weeks at a time with just his rifle, knife and a few odds and ends; going deep into the Adirondick mountains. He knew what he was talking(writing about) in his books; having lived much of it. A famous knifesmith by the name of Morseth made probably the first Nessmuk knives, based on the drawings in the books. That was sometime around 1920, if I read right.