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Offline Greysky

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« on: February 26, 2005, 09:01:28 AM »
And I had more cents than sense, I'd run right out and buy a 700 Nitro Express. It should knock old T-Rex right on his duff. Checkout this monster cartridge at:
David and Goliath

For those of you Big Bore fans who handload, checkout the listed price for twenty 700 NE cases at: Must be made of gold

I think I'll stick to handloading less exotic fodder. My wife nearly fainted when she saw the price of this ammo.  :shock:

To be perfectly honest, we had to steady each other. :D
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Offline Greysky

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2005, 10:06:00 AM »
Quote from: Swage
Were you looking to buy some bullet's ? in .700 Diameter

You rustle up a T-Rex, and I'll rush right out and buy that 700 NE.  :-)
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Offline Redhawk1

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2005, 11:36:33 AM »
Not a gun for me.. :eek:  :shock:  :D
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Offline quigleysharps4570

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2005, 11:42:34 AM »
Quote from: Swage
And i am doing a deal with Ed for a group buy from me on my
 1000 grain .700 bullet's

Got a pic of one?

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Re: If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2005, 07:45:39 PM »
Quote from: Greysky
For those of you Big Bore fans who handload, checkout the listed price for twenty 700 NE cases at: Must be made of gold

Gee, for only $1459.80, you could buy 20 loaded rounds from Midway, so why bother with the hassle of reloading when factory ammo is so reasonably priced? :)
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Offline Greysky

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2005, 05:58:22 AM »
As a practical man, I think the versatile 30/06 is more than adequate to hunt any critter an ordinary man is ever likely to encounter.

However, if a fellow could afford to travel all the way to Africa for a chance to hunt one or more of the so-called big 5, I think the 375 H&H is a reasonable choice to accomplish this task.

Frankly, I don't like using big bore rifles that kick like the proverbial mule. I could probably handle the recoil generated by the 375 H&H until the job was accomplished, but I certainly wouldn't enjoy it. Anything bigger would need to be mounted on a pintle atop a vehicle the way an M2 usually is before I would pull the trigger on it.

I have nothing against big bore enthusiasts experimenting with exotic calibers that are shockingly expensive. But I cringe whenever some of them insist these cannons are an essential asset to any serious hunter's inventory.
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Offline Greysky

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2005, 12:24:18 PM »
Quote from: Swage
Quote from: Greysky
As a practical man, I think the versatile 30/06 is more than adequate to hunt any critter an ordinary man is ever likely to encounter.

However, if a fellow could afford to travel all the way to Africa for a chance to hunt one or more of the so-called big 5, I think the 375 H&H is a reasonable choice to accomplish this task.

Frankly, I don't like using big bore rifles that kick like the proverbial mule. I could probably handle the recoil generated by the 375 H&H until the job was accomplished, but I certainly wouldn't enjoy it. Anything bigger would need to be mounted on a pintle atop a vehicle the way an M2 usually is before I would pull the trigger on it.

I have nothing against big bore enthusiasts experimenting with exotic calibers that are shockingly expensive. But I cringe whenever some of them insist these cannons are an essential asset to any serious hunter's inventory.

Greysky I think ..Your right about the /06 it is a great -Go To- Rifle

The cost of a hunt in Africa is not as much as it use to be .
Round trip ticket's  to and from --washinton/State- 2500.00. to S Africa
round trip... round trip could be less if booked in advance.

The hunt ... a 7 day hunt for Kudo and same size game ( no big 5 )
with a 7 game limit a package deal can be had for around 3500.00
all fee's included... so as it is now your looking at a $6000.00 trip.
and there's not a single man jack amongst you guy's and gal's that can't afford that trip if you save up for a year.
Spending 7 day's out hunting on the plain's of Africa is a life changer to be sure.

And the choice of a 375 Holland & Holland maybe a bit  big  for Kudo

A nice 9.3x64 will work as well  but yes to save a buck or two grab up a 375 H & H  . You don't really need a king size bullet to hunt Kudo size game.

If a person want's a cheaper ..Big Bore that .."Will" .. do the job
pick up a 416 Rigby from CZ and don't look back they can be had for
around $650.00 to $750.00  and it fall's within the 40 cal/ Regulation for hunting the biggest game

First of all, I find it arrogant of you to assume that everyone can scrounge together $6,000 to splurge on an African safari.

Second, I never stated I would use the 375 H&H on anything but large, potentially dangerous animals.

When I posted this topic, I truly never expected anykind of serious dissent from anyone. I thought it would make everyone laugh at the extravagant pursuits of those with too much time on their hands, and too much money in their pockets.

Well, excuse me for trying to spread a little sunshine.
If at first you don't succeed, by all means try again. But if this doesn't work, give up, because there is no sense in making a darn fool of yourself.

Offline Ramrod

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2005, 01:59:19 PM »
Swage, :idea: Greysky, Loosen up! You both make good points. Greysky, you are right, a .30-06 is all the gun an American hunter needs, probably more gun than alot of once a year hunters can handle. But I shoot a .375 for fun, and for the day I have enough pennies saved to go to Africa. Like Swage says, it is not out of reach for working stiffs like me. But really, allocating money is all about priorities. I see guys making under 30 k buying 25-30 k pickups and bass boats all the time, thanks to easy credit. I also see them lose their house for non-payment of taxes. If a guy can spend a kings ransom on a rifle, I say more power to him, as long as he feeds his kids first.
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Offline Greysky

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2005, 02:21:21 PM »
Quote from: Swage
First of all, I find it arrogant of you to assume that everyone can scrounge together $6,000 to splurge on an African safari.

Second, I never stated I would use the 375 H&H on anything but large, potentially dangerous animals.

When I posted this topic, I truly never expected anykind of serious dissent from anyone. I thought it would make everyone laugh at the extravagant pursuits of those with too much time on their hands, and too much money in their pockets.

Well, excuse me for trying to spread a little sunshine.

"Extravagant"  "arrogant"  "and too much money in their pockets"

These rifle's and trip's  are life long dream's folk's have. thay spend there live's digging ditch's  and pick up you grabage at 5:00 AM every morning .
from folk's like you and me ..
And were do you get off calling me ( "Extravagant"  "arrogant"  "and too much money in their pockets") buddy  :evil:  i make under 30 k a year

just like 90% of the folk's in here....

You keep referring to everyone else, as if other people can't speak for themselves. This is a common tactic employed by those who's insolence has been challenged by someone who won't backdown, especially since I am the author of this topic, which I intended to be lighthearted until you swaggered in with your elitist attitude.

Again, you arrogantly made an assumption. This time you insinuated I have no idea what hard work is all about. Do me one big favor, Slick, spare me your feeble attempt to impress me with your tales of working class heroics.

BTW, your angry little emoticon really intimidated me.  :roll:
If at first you don't succeed, by all means try again. But if this doesn't work, give up, because there is no sense in making a darn fool of yourself.

Offline quigleysharps4570

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2005, 02:40:44 PM »
Quote from: Swage
Guy's i will post you up a picture of the bullet on monday or tuesday

Will be looking forward to it.

Offline glock29

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2005, 05:41:24 AM »
The price of that 700NE brass from Bertram is ASININE !
For the price that they quote, I could buy a small "hobby" lathe and turn several HUNDRED cases out of brass, and STILL have money left over !!!!

What a JOKE !
Always use MUCH more gun than the minimum required to do the job.
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Offline inluvwithsara

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back to the T-rex...
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2005, 06:18:38 AM »
I think a 50bmg would be nice...maybe in a barret...but me...naw, I'd use a 155 howetzer...or a 30mm chain gun on the front of a AH1...color me yellow!
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Offline DanP

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2005, 06:37:45 PM »
While tall, the T. rex was only about 6 tons (one ton more than an African bull elephant).  ( )

Recently, at the Smithsonian, I had a unique opportunity to stand directly under the skull, which extended over the walking area in its mount.  The skull, from that perspective, looks like open lattice-work -- mostly supportive struts.  The backbone enters the rear of the skull into a bony space in the struts not much bigger than my fist -- the brain had to fit inside of that.  There are a few diagrams of T. rex skulls at .  More:  The field museum ( )  describes "Sue"'s brain (and shows a picture) as being a knoby sweet potato sized object about 1 foot long... a little bigger than my fist, then.

Compare that to the skull of an elephant.  The elephant's skull is a honey-comb-like bony structure, where the spaces are filled with a gelatinous fluid.  You're shooting for an object roughly 4 times the size of a human brain (, best imaged as lying on the line between the ear-holes.  The shape of the thing is seen here:

Conclusion: brain shots on T. rex are not likely to be helpful.  Body shots are expected to be important.

Evolution put more weight in the mouth of the T. rex -- copmensated by reducing weight (struts and space in the skull, reduced arm sizes, reduced weight in the upper body, more weight in the tail for balance, and legs).  This leaves the chest relatively lightly covered -- perhaps not more than an elephant.  Anything you could use for a body shot on an elephant would likely have done OK on a T. rex.

Therefore, I'd choose either my .375 H&H or my .458 win... or both.


Offline SAWgunner

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2005, 11:44:37 AM »
There is a range that i shoot my AR-50 .50 BMG down in Colorado, and there are a few wealthy gentlemen who shoot there.  One day, I was packing up and this guy waved me over, and he had a mohogany looking box and went to open it.  Inside of it was a Holland & Holland double rifle in the caliber ".577 Tyranosaur".  The bullet looked like a flat nosed piece of bronze, and the case was necked down from Huge to real big.  He was telling me that A-Square (Art Alphin) developed the round to stop anything that must be stopped RIGHT NOW, right now.  He said it developed 98 ft/lbs of recoil.  WOW!!! I was inpressed.  The rounds were around $100 apiece, and no reloading components available.  He fired the thing, and he took a step back with the gun almost verticle.  WOW!!!  I asked him if he was going to hunt with it, and he said no.  I asked why, and he said, "Son, I am scared to death on this thing, and it hurts me to no end to shoot, so I carry a 460 Weahterby because I am accurate with it."  I laughed.  I did a little research on this doodad when I got home, and gentlemen, the only thing your .700 NE has got on this thing is .123 of an inch in diameter.  This thing ranks rightup there with my BMG as far as power goes.
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Offline moosehead

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.577 and 700
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2005, 03:35:23 PM »
That is really overpriced...Check out for all your big brass needs.
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Offline moosehead

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2005, 03:52:42 PM »
700 and trex
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Offline jro45

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If Dinosaurs Were Extant...
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2005, 03:15:10 AM »
Its nice to read about the super big boars but they are out of my league.
I'm Happy with my Rem 416. :D