Author Topic: Pet Canadian Peeves  (Read 2747 times)

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Offline John Y Cannuck

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Pet Canadian Peeves
« on: March 19, 2003, 01:43:17 PM »
C68 sucks
I'd like to hunt with Handguns
Liberals Suck
C68 sucks
Did I mention C68 sucks?
Canadian Liberal Gov't = elected Dictatorship

Offline John Y Cannuck

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« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2003, 03:45:44 PM »
23 people have looked at this thread so far, I guess they are all happy, 'cause they said nothing!
Canadian Liberal Gov't = elected Dictatorship

Offline kevin.303

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« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2003, 03:25:29 AM »
now when you're hunting on the back of your farm and know there ain't no CO's around, who says you can't use a handgun?
" oh we didn't sink the bismarck, and we didn't fight at all, we spent our time in Norfolk and we really had a ball. chasing after women while our ship was overhauled, living it up on grapefruit juice and sick bay alcohol"

Offline Bluenose

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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2003, 06:34:51 AM »
I agree with you on C68!  Along with that, I'm tired of listening to people form opinions about hunting and hunters without understanding who we are and what we do.

Offline willis5

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« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2003, 08:51:54 AM »
Sorry to here that guys. I sympathize.

It does suck!

Offline Snowshoe

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« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2003, 01:01:10 PM »
C68, is a direct result of what the population of Quebec and Ontario wanted. The government only caters to the votes, and cares nothing about the west. That is my pet peeve. If that was not true the Alliance party would form our next government.

Offline John Y Cannuck

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« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2003, 03:54:17 PM »
Please note: I am from Ontario. Rick Teal and 'Ol Tom are also. Do not assume that all Ontarians support the Liberal Lunacy.
Add a new one to my list. Our fearless dictator ordering his Liberal coleagues to do his bidding. Ie: vote more money to the F'n Registry.  :evil:  :evil:
Canadian Liberal Gov't = elected Dictatorship

Offline Snowshoe

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« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2003, 11:23:27 AM »
I did not mean to offend anyone. I can see the people on this forum are not for our current government, but you are a small number in millions. We need a change of government, and not just a new face, but a new party.

Offline Rick Teal

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« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2003, 01:09:28 PM »

Actually, there are more voters in Ontario who voted against the government than there are total voters in any of the prairie provinces.

This leads me to one of my pet peeves - that so many westerners paint everyone in Ontario with the same brush as being the cause of all evil.
Corollary:  That so many westerners blame everything that goes wrong in their lives on the east.

Hunting is Exciting!  Bolt actions are BORING!!
Don't mix the two!

Offline dakotashooter2

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« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2003, 08:43:57 AM »
I have always had a deep desire to experience hunting up north. The thing that has stopped me from doing so is that I can not do it with a handgun. Canada can scratch one willing tourist.
Just another worthless opinion!!

Offline Snowshoe

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« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2003, 01:41:52 PM »
Rick Teal, we do not blame everything that goes wrong in our lives on the east. But  most of the elections are determined even before we vote. It may be that more people in Ontario voted against the Liberals than in the west, [ we have a much lower population]  but the fact remains that the east voted in the Liberals.  This country has, historically, taken from the west to give to the east. We pay shipping on automobiles that we buy from the east. And, we pay shipping on the wheat we ship to the east. We pay both ways. The Canadian wheat board forbids western farmers from selling their own wheat direct, but the eastern farmer can do as he likes. Can you see anything wrong yet?
      This is why some of the hard fealings persist, but those feelings are not directed to the population, but to the people in power.

Offline Rick Teal

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« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2003, 09:57:57 AM »

- Regardless of how much power resides in the east, we cannot reverse the rotation of the earth.  The polls close earlier in the east than the west as a matter of nature.  The CBC action desk often declares a winner based on a few Nfld polls before we see any results in Ontario either.  I can also remember several elections (early'60's, Joe Clark. the Trudeau minority and the first Mulroney abomination) that were determined by western voters.

- the freight rate imbalance (put in by the tories in the 19th century) was abandoned years ago.  Its intention was to reduce the costs of western produce to eastern markets - providing them a market - however, a profit was guaranteed to the railways, and was dumped on western consumers in the form of higher prices.  The buyer always pays the shipping cost as part of his price (on both grain and mfg goods) in spite of what westerners were told by generations of their politicians who inflamed anti-eastern feelings to win elections.

- Automobile prices include a "destination" cost determined by the marketers and manufacturers - not residents of the east.  A Japanese car imported through Vancouver has a higher destination cost in Calgary than Toronto.  However, this is a decision made in Kyoto - not Belleville.

- All wheat in this country is marketed through the Wheat Board.  The advantage the eastern farmer has is a climatic one.  He doesn't have to grow crops who's marketing is controlled by government boards.  He can (for example) grow soft fruit, and sell it on the world market if he chooses.  However if he grows wheat, has a dairy farm, etc., he faces the same restrictions as western farmers.

I didn't intend to start a flame war here, but on most of the issues you find important in this country, there are a greater number of people in Ontario sharing your views, but as westerners persist in painting all easterners with the same brush, such venomous - broad based - attacks can only make enemies not allies.  

As I said before much of the mis-information about the east that's taken as gospel in the west is the long term product of dis-information generated by politicians of an earlier generation who did so for their personal advantage.

Hunting is Exciting!  Bolt actions are BORING!!
Don't mix the two!

Offline Snowshoe

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« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2003, 12:24:33 PM »
Never have I painted all easterners with the same brush! I am sorry but you are wrong about the buyer paying freight on the wheat. I work in the grain industry and when we make cheques to the farmers, frieght charges come right off the top. He pays to send his grain to the end user.
      I guess I should have left this thread alone, as I did not mean to hit any sore spots with anyone. I will say no more.

Offline carpediem

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« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2003, 09:13:23 PM »
I do not consider myslef a follower.  I hold nor give any allegance, (forgive the spelling.  I'm on my fourth glass of wine), to any political party.  In my opinion, the West is a colony of the East.  I say shut the gas and electricity off and let the Eastern Bastards freeze in the dark.  

I think it's time Alberta and the Western provinces go it alone.

Kindest regards,

Offline hummer

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« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2004, 03:37:27 AM »
The biggest one is the gun that sucks!  2 billion times!
Tomorrow is another day!

Offline cdnclub45

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« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2004, 06:09:24 PM »
Mine is the number of politicians who come from Quebec.  And forced bilingualism that has done far more to separate this country than any other issue.  And a federal Gov't that hires only bilingual staff.  Did I mention C68 and Liberals?
If these comments don't heat up this board, then nothing will.

Offline David Parenteau

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« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2004, 03:56:20 PM »
     I understand your frustration about the elections being decided before your polls are closed.I live in BC so its even worse out here.However in this upcoming election I think its going to be different.Our votes will count for something this time even if only to determine who holds the balance of power in the very probable event of a minority government.

Offline Dusty Miller

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« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2004, 10:31:41 PM »
Well, here it is October.  Tell this prisoner of the PRC how things came out in the Canadian election.
When seconds mean life or death, the police are only minutes away!

Offline kevin.303

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« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2004, 04:19:40 PM »
" oh we didn't sink the bismarck, and we didn't fight at all, we spent our time in Norfolk and we really had a ball. chasing after women while our ship was overhauled, living it up on grapefruit juice and sick bay alcohol"

Offline cal sibley

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« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2005, 12:35:58 PM »
I wish you guys would stop whinning so much.  Don't you realize the federal government has your best interest at heart, and will always act in your best interest?  I can't believe I'm saying this with a straight face.  Throw all the bums out of office and lets start over from scratch.  Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
RIP Cal you are missed by many.

Offline t3shooter

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« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2005, 09:30:35 PM »
I'll add to this, coming from somewhere West of Toronto, and, therefore, insignificant.  Liberals, C-68, non-sensicle restrictions based on erroneous beliefs, or even worse, looks.  There's no reason I shouldn't be able to buy a semi-automatic from Bushmaster without needing an ATT to take it anywhere.  Current peeve, though, is the fault of our southern neighbours.  I can't order anything remotely gun related (recoil pad, scope, metalic sight, basically anything offered for considerably less money down there) because of restrictions, and IF a supplier is actually patient enough to wait (like the Optics Zone), it takes over a month to get the paper work in order to get an import permit so the US will issue an export permit.  What, I'm going to threaten national security with a scope or recoil pad I can buy up  here (albeit for more $) by somehow supporting some of their businesses?  Pain in the #%$.  Oh, did I mention, and I'll do this in our other language, as BC is soooo bilingual, Je n'aime pas le parti Liberal et le piece de merde, Paul Martin.  Il est un grand abruti. En outre, je pense la même chose à son prédécesseur, Jean Cretin.  So there!  That's my rant.