You could also do this,,,
I do this to all my single action revolvers whenever they break a pawl spring.
1.Order a RUGER pawl spring and plunger
2.Drill through the left screw hole of the frame where the backstrap screw goes(be careful not to destroy threads in frame with drill)
3.Grind or sand your old pawl where old spring broke to give new plunger a smooth surface to contact
4.Clip coils of Ruger spring a lil at a time to make sure you don't get it to short
5.Cut backstrap screw leaveing enough threads to still hold in frame after new spring is inserted
This sounds harder than it really is. If you watch and are just a little handy with your hands it's pretty easy.
I've done this to my HAWES TEXAS MARSHAL, as well as two 1860 Colt cap&ball revolvers.
(A Dremmel tool works great for this work)
Good luck--Willy