I have a Martini Enfield MkII action which I'm intended to have chambered to 45-90.
As many would know the Martini Enfield is best limited to 45,000psi as this is the max pressure developed by the military 303 174gn FMJ MkVII load.
I originally considered having it chambered to 45-70 but as Starline does 45-90 brass suitable for the warmer smokeless loads I thought the extra room would help.
Has anyone had experience loading smokeless in 45-90?
What sort of velocity increase and therefore improvement in power will the extra case size yeild?
BTW, for those wondering why I have not chosen to chamber this action to 577/450 the reasons are 2 fold.
Firstly, I'm unaware of any gunsmith who has a reamer for '450.
And secondly, and more importantly is the cost of brass.
Bertram here in Oz makes 577/450 which costs $128 for
20 CASES!! While the old '450 may well be able to equal and better the 45-70 with modern smokeless loads the running costs are staggering so I'm giving it a miss.