
What cartridge do you use most in Africa for Plains Game?

.270 Winchester
0 (0%)
7mm Rem. Mag
0 (0%)
300 Mags (Win, Weatherby or Ultra)
3 (27.3%)
3 (27.3%)
.338 Win. Mag.
2 (18.2%)
.375 H&H
2 (18.2%)
1 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Voting closed: February 26, 2003, 06:42:30 AM

Author Topic: What cartridge do you use most in Africa for Plains Game?  (Read 1648 times)

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Offline Zachary

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What cartridge do you use most in Africa for Plains Game?
« on: February 26, 2003, 06:42:30 AM »
I know that the .375 H&H is the "all-around" cartidge in Africa - hunters use it from Cape Buffalo all the way down to hienas.  That notwithstanding, the .375H&H is not the "ideal" caritrdge.  So what catridge do you use most in Africa for Plains Game?

I have never been to Africa, although I would like to in the near future.  That's why, in part, I am creating this poll.  I would think that the 7 Mag, 30-06, or 300 WSM would be ideal.  Your thoughts?


Offline JJHACK

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What cartridge do you use most in Africa fo
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2003, 08:29:58 AM »
Zach, the 375HH is the most ideal cartridge period. It will take anything alive and not blow a 20 pound duiker to bits. It will shoot a buffalo at 50 yars and kill him easily with a well placed shot. It will take a kudu or gemsbok at 300 yards if needed. It's flatter shooting then a 30/06 when used with 270 grain bullets.

Of the three you listed the 7mm mag, 30/06 and the 300WSM the most logical choice is the 30/06. The others will blow to bits the smaller game. They are just too fast at close range and must be used with premium bullets for consistant performace at any range.

The 30/06 is by a large margin the most frequently used gun by Local South Africans. The 300 mag is the most common gun brought by American hunters.  So it would appear that the .308 diameter is a good choice. I have used my 30/06 there and taken nealry every species of plains game with it.  Never lost a single animal. It stuggles on the bigger stuff once in a while but it works when you do your part.

The vast majority of shots on true wild game in the bush will come at 150 yards or less. So the magnums are not a perfect choice. They are better for the open areas of teh freestate or the Kalahari, but a poor choice in the northern province, or zululand.  If you have to bring a magnum I always suggest the heaviest bullets your gun shoots well and then make them bonded core if possible.  Hitting a big animal at 40 yards with a 3000 fps standard bullet is gonna be real tough on that bullet!

The perfect plains game rifles are the 338/06, 338, 375, and 35 calibers like the whelen are good too.  After that the 30/06 is hard to beat with 180-200 grain bullets.

Offline Lawdog

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What cartridge do you use most in Africa fo
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2003, 12:42:45 PM »
Although I've haven't been to Africa YET, that is changing next year as our safari is booked for Aug. of 2004.  I'm taking my .300 Weatherby and the wife is taking her .30-06 and these are going to be our rifle's for plains game.  Now comes the hard part, WAITING.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.

Offline ssangle

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Best cartridge for Africa hunting
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2003, 05:44:09 PM »
I just hunted the Northern Province at the Limpopo River in SA. Shot Impala, Gemsbok, Wildebeest, Waterbuck, Blesbok and  Kudu. Used my Ruger M77 in 300 Win Mag with a 180 grain Trophy Bonded Bear Claw and 200 grain Nosler. Both worked well from 100 yds to 300 yds. The 180's are plenty and I think the TBBC retain more of the bullet than the Nosler for deep penetration on big boned animals. Don't need anything more except for the Big 5 and personally would not want anything much less. Make sure you bring a pair of safari (tall) steady sticks they will help greatly !!!
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