Author Topic: Auto routing...  (Read 583 times)

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Offline daddywpb

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Auto routing...
« on: May 14, 2005, 12:21:50 AM »
As the learning process continues with the new 60CS, I've found that the auto routing feature isn't taking a direct route to the waypoint, or POI that I choose. It always seem to go around in a circle at some point in the route. I did not receive the owners manual in my box, so I haven't gotten one from Garmin yet. I'm hoping it's something I'm not doing right. I did stumble into the routing options menu, and changed a couple of the options, but it still seems to meander around when creating a route. Maybe there is something I am missing on the City Select program?

I have found it easier to use than the Etrex series. The extra buttons help a lot. Screen is large enough for me to see without my glasses on, and it is bright and clear. One of my dislikes about the Legend was the extremely dim backlighting. My wife has given me the go ahead to order car mount, bike mount, protective case, etc. Did I mention that I love that woman?


Almost went for the 76CS. Just a bit too big for me to use comfortably with one hand when I'm loaded down with crap while hunting. I couldn't get to all of the buttons. A nice looking unit though!

Oh well, it's fun experimenting untill the manual comes. By the way, I spent $15 on the instructional DVD. I thought it was made by Garmin, but turned out to be produced by another company. Don't waste your money. It covers the basics if you've never had a GPS before, but goes into very little detail about the features on a specific unit.

Offline Siskiyou

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Auto routing...
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2005, 09:43:50 AM »
My suggestion is for you to download and print the 60C manual from the Garmin International support page.  I have done this with the manuals for the Legend and the 76C.  I keep one at the easy chair and it might go with me in my pack protected by a ZipLoc bag.  I also write notes in the margins of the downloaded copies.

I note that you did find the routing page but I am including a little information for others who have not.

<Go to Page and select Setup>Enter
<Scroll down to the Routing Icon>Enter
<Guidence Method options> I have selected "PROMPTED".  <When in use the provides me with two options.<Follow Road> or Off road(as the bullet flys).>
<Scroll down to the "Follow Road Method," this gives you three options>
<Scroll down and you have a next turn Pop-up option.  I like this one and have it turned on.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you find the FOLLOW ROAD OPTIONS.  Click enter.

Each box on this page gives you a number of options.  The options fit different activities.  Clearly there are different options for the hiker verus the driver.

Speaking of options I notice the latest software update for the 76C included a new Jump Master Option.  For some reason I do not think I will be using that option.  

I assume the slightly larger size of the 76C is the floatation material in it.  As a boater/fisherman I think that is a nice feature.  While hiking, and hunting the unit will live in a protective pouch.

The larger colored screen is easier to see the the gray tone screen of the Legend.  I must not that I have played with the Legends tone setting and am satisfied.  A side note is that the wife is now carrying the Legend on her morning walk.  She takes advantage of the trip computer.  She is interested in time and distance.  I'll need to start runnig to keep-up.
There is a learning process to effectively using a gps.  Do not throw your compass and map away!

Boycott: San Francisco, L.A., Oakland, and City of Sacramento, CA.