Well after trying about everything imaginal in my Raging Bull I have not found anything that shoots poorly. 240 Xtp Mag Hornadys shot the worst and they were not real bad. I guess it's a toss up between 260 Partition Gold Factory loads and the 250 Barnes XPB's I loaded ,with 27.5 grians of H-110 . Both shoot 1 to 2 inch groups at 50 yards, consistantly. I took apart one of the factory loads and measured the charge it weighed 34.0 grains. Don't know for sure what Winchester uses for powder but I do know from experience they dam sure won't tell ya! So gonna give both bullets a try ,I used 300 XTP mag Hornadys last year an was not impressed with the expansion I got .But they were accurate and did work. Just hoping to open up a little bgger hole threw the ribs,I love a massive blood trail if needed to find the animal. Kinda hope I don't have to look very far .I just wanted to thank everyone for the comments and info. Shoot straight and keep the wind in your face , WildBill