Author Topic: MITCHELL'S MAUSER OWNERS  (Read 1193 times)

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Offline rjk2475

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« on: February 13, 2003, 10:54:23 AM »
i would like to know more about this gun.  pros, cons good price  etc.  please let me know what you think.    ron

Offline Mikey

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Mitchell's Mausers
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2003, 08:39:02 AM »
rjk2475:  From what I have read and seen of the Mitchell's Mausers, they are pretty much wartime or pre-war K-98s that have been refurbished by Mitchell, the same way one of the other mil-surp refurbishers (the one who re-does the Garand, the M1 Carbine, the 03/03A3, the 1917, etc).  They are supposed to be in 'unissued' condition and are supposed to come complete with all accessories.  I believe the last price I saw was near $400.  I also believe these things are marketted to the 'collector' end of things.  If you want a shooting K-98 that is, as I understand, properly nazi marked, that is what you will get.  If you are looking for a shooting 8mm, yet an unissued Czech M48 or M48A and save yourself some money.  Hope this helps.  Mikey.

Offline ReedG

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Mitchell's Mausers
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2003, 02:23:33 PM »
Here's the blurb from their web site:

"Yes, new, but 55 years old, and still in 'Military New' unissued condition.   An accident of history has preserved these superior design 98k rifles, designated M48, complete with all of their original accessories as they were intended to be issued in WWII."

I bought one of these two years ago. The story goes that they were built by the Yugoslavians after World War II in the hope of being able to fend off any attack in the future like what they had endured in the war. Seems like 40,000 of them were stored in a warehouse, new and unissued, and forgotten about. Then after the dividing of the country back into the original districts, they were found. They are designated as M48 and NOT the same as a 98. I don't have all the details right here tonight, but the action is little shorter than a 98. They are very well made and are literally in new condition.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse...

Offline Holiday

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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2003, 03:29:15 PM »
The Mithcell Mausers are M-48's and M-48a's as Reedg said. The M-48 was an intermediate action based on a Belgian redesign of the 98 mauser. It was slightly shorter than the earlier M-98, probably to be a more efficient use of space as the origional Mauser could accomidate a very long cartridge. The Yugoslavians bought this intermediate rifle, designated M-24(not to be confused with the Czech CZ-24) from Belgium at first. Then they bought the tooling and began producing their own M-24's and assembled some from Belgian parts. Many were rearsenalled and designated M-24/27. After WW II, the communist controlled Yugo government decided to stock up an arsenal to prevent future invasions. They liked the earlier M-24 design, so they produced a new rifle based on it and called it the M-48. To my knowledge, the parts are interchangable with the earlier M-24. The M-48A was the same rifle with a stamped steel floorplate and a few other pieces. These were stored for years with a ready "kit" including a bayonet, cleaning kit and ammo puch ready for issue. I have two of these and they are excellant rifles.

I have heard of a few problems with Mithells, though. I can't remember any specifics, but I believe it was to do with some of the rifles being either cleaned up to look unissued or the condition wasn't properly stated, but I could be wrong. They are among the higher priced dealers. I have one of theirs and one from Cherry's. Both are in excellant shape.
Holiday Hayes
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Offline 1911crazy

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« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2003, 04:57:10 AM »
I found one(unissued YUGO M48A still unshot yet in cosmo) "BRAND NEW" still in the box in a local pawn shop here last year I got it for $225 when they were $250/$300.  There are other good buys out there too, I think AIM has a YUGO M48 in "like new" condition for $149 w/accessories. Maybe someone who bought one from AIM will post what they recieved and if their happy with what they got. I have bought from AIM and I have to say I recieved a decent 8MM Turkish Mauser when they had them for $39.95.  Now that times are bad guns are showing up in pawn shops and gun shops don't take me the wrong way i lost my job lastyear too. But its true we just have to look at small mom/pop gun shops/ pawn shops you just never know what you will find "AFFORDABLE".  So search around you never know what you will find maybe a mitchell mauser cheap too. I like the brand new one but I still haven't shot it yet or had it out I just let it grow roots in the safe and shoot the used ones.             BigBill

I'm just not sure wether to shoot it or not??

Offline rjk2475

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« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2003, 07:01:05 AM »
bigbill   thanks for the info and please send me that gun with the roots.  i can help you decide!  :wink:

Offline south308

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Mitchells Mausers ...
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2003, 06:53:57 AM »
I have been told Mitchells mausers are ok, but you could find nicer guns for less. Try CDNN (unissued at $168) (you have to download tha catalog), Empire Arms, etc.

Good luck!