Each of the Forums on GBO's has a count of number of topics, number of posts, and number of views. GB has just a short time ago posted the real measure of a forums activity is the number of views (!!!). The H&R Centerfire Rifle forum has over 212,000 views, the next closest forum, one dealing with TC's, has 111,000 and the next has 99,000. The H&R Centerfire section leads all other forums in activity with the exception of number of topics. Currently only a scant 4 "topics" seperate we Handiholics from being the most prolific posters and the most active group in all three catagories, #'s of topics, posts and views. We Handiholics are far and away the leaders in #'s of posts and #'s of views. It really means nothing but that's the answer....<><.... :grin: