The annual NPS Cannon School at the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine FL went extremely well. The weather was excellent and we had a great group of students including "Cpt Ed" from this forum. We even had an all-girl gun crew who had the drill down pat and really kicked butt.
The class burned through about 15 pounds of Goex Cannon Grade in the span of about 4 hours and a good time was had by all. :-D
Here's Cpt Ed touching off the 6-pounder:
This is one of the Castillos bronze 18-pounders. ItÂ’s dated 1764 and weighs 4800 pounds. The tube is named "El Milanes" (The one from Milan) and is inscribed with the phrase "Thunderbolts from an angry king":
For you mortar guys, hereÂ’s a bronze 15" mortar from Barcelona, Spain that's dated 1724. It stands about six feet tall! Range is 2100 yards. Weight - A LOT!!