Jist a thought pard: Open a Yahoo account fer yer CAS related stuff! It's free! It has a built in anti virus program that really works great, it's easy to organize, it keeps the stuff from building up and taking up room on yer hard drive...and did I mention that it's free? It even has a little Cowboy smiley face you can put in yer outgoing e-mail! :lol: Another plus is that you can access it from anywhere in the world! Ergo: if yer visiting your second cousin, twice removed on yer mothers side in Podunk Center, Iowa you can access yer e-mail from his computer! :-) Did I mention that it's free!?!?!?!
I only use Yahoo mail these days! I love it, and it keeps renegade Angel from finding out when I'm buying another gun over the web! :-D
Oh yeah, it's also free!