Fredj, I have 2 Mowrey arms rifles and they have served me well for about 7 years now. The only problem is that the twist is 1in66 and the first one I got is in .36 and the second is in .38. The .38 is 1in48(I had to get it rerifled). The .36 is highly accurate and my girlfriend will not have any other rifle to walk the woods. My .38 is as accurate as the .36 but the .36 needs a little wiping out after a few shots. I find them to be very tough and reliable little guns.Tryit.
Tryit- I believe the Mowreys are an excellent design and highly respected, what I'd heard might have been the result of a period of
the present manufacturer workin out the bug's or a jerk employee
as one of my friends experience with his was a nightmare, it was
completely screwed up and he had to return it twice, and got a lot of brain damage from the person he was dealing with at the time, like so much of this stuff a problem gets sets the tone and hurts somebody's reputation
one of my closest friends is one of the best barrel makers in the world
at one point he'd hired a couple of guys who'd just gotten out of the military and he trusted them, they ended up cranking out a bunch of barrels when he wasn't around and selling them on the side under his name, and they were a far cry from the barrels that legitemately come from his shop, as they were just cranked out indifferently in high volume
but they looked like my friends barrels as they had his unique rifling profile etc, sadly some of those barrels are still floating around and it had
a really bad impact upon his reputation amongs't some of the Palma shooters etc.
Regards fredj