Ok, Ive decided to go wool all the way. Thanks to the links provided I am going with the old tried and true Red/black checkered jacket and green bibs. Now this is my question. Origionally I was going to go with 3X so I could layer. But now I sit here wondering if I really need to go that big (as a reminder I normally wear 2X,) to achive warmth. See since I have no personal experience with wool I dont know HOW warm I can stay if I were to, say layer with non-cotton thermal underwear, a regular shirt (and maybe pants as well) then the wool. I am also thinking of throwing on a BDU jacket I have to cover the red (ironically to hide myself from other hunters rather than the deer,) for when I tree stand hunt. Here in New Hampshire the temps can get brutal during the deer season (it was opening day of gun season and I was frozen in a tree with temps that were in the teens.) About what temp could I really comfortably stay warm to with the above set-up? See my worries about going to 3X is only that I dont want to get to bulked up and hinder my mobility (both in a stand, on the ground and using my bow,) and with the 2X having the layers so tight it can restrict my movements (which is the problem I have right now....too many layers packed under 2X clothing causing binding in the shoulder area.) But I want to optimize the layers to stay absolutely warm......see what I mean? Hope I aint making this sound too complicated.
So Id appreciate any advice.
Brian M.