Author Topic: GKF DeadHead Reaper Field Test Results  (Read 750 times)

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GKF DeadHead Reaper Field Test Results
« on: February 19, 2003, 04:50:35 PM »
Hello Guys
Using the same scoring system that 5 shot has developed I think this is the best way to be unbiased on my findings of the overall results and preformance of the broad heads that are being tested.


Tests: Plywood: 5 points for going all the way through without damage
4: points for going all the way through, but with damage.
3: points for going most of the way through, no damage.
2: points for going most of the way through, but with damage.
1: point for going most of the way through, but head destroyed
0: points for bouncing off.

Steel drum: 6 points for going through both sides, no damage
5: points for going through both sides, but with damage
4: points for going through one side tip sticking in far side, no damage.
3: points for going through one side tip sticking in far side but damaged.
2: points for going through one side, no damage
1: point for going through one side, with damage
0 points for bouncing off.

Tire: 4 points for going through one side without damage.
3 points for going through one side with damage
2 points for sticking in tire, no damage
1: point for sticking in tire, with damage.

Orange: 5 points for opening on the front.
4 points for partial opening on front
3 points for opening on back side
2 points for partial opening on the back, side
1 point for not opening

Cutting diameter: 5 points for heads 2 inches or larger
4 points for heads under 2 inches over 1 3/16 inches
3 points for heads 1 3/16 inches to 1 1/8 inch
2 points for heads under 1 1/8 to 1 inch
1 point for heads under an inch

Accuracy: 5 points for flying like field points under all conditions
4 points for grouping with field points.
3 points for grouping well, but in different place than field points
2 points for not grouping well, but with stable flight.
1 points for erratic flight and grouping.

1 point is given to each blade the head has
2 points for a head not being mechanical
1 point for rearward opening blades on mechanical heads

Blade sharpness ratings:
A: heads will shave hair very easy, it almost jumps off.
B: head will shave hair, but it does take some effort.
C: head will not shave hair

GKF100 GR DeadHead Reaper Field test

shooting W/ Reflex Bighorn 70# DW, 30"DL on the end of Carbon Wolverine arrows chronoed at 269 FPS.
Accuracy 5 points
Orange 4 points
Plywood 2 points
Steel drum 4 points
Blades 3 points
Cutting diameter 4 points

Total score: 22, blade sharpness ratting A

Being a fan of fixed blades frankly I was very skeptical of the preformance of the GKF Reapers
and really did not have mutch faith that they would hold up very well.
However Despite my skepticisim I was plesantly suprised of the overall preformance of the heads. They fly exactly like a field point and hold very tight groups.
In the orange test the blade was completley opened before it exited out the back, and the blades will shave with ease.
However these heads held up through the steel drum and plywood test mutch better than I expected, I really thought that shooting through either would destroy the heads completley but to my surprise they held up fairly well, they were damaged but were repairable. the packaging information does not lie!
3 blade expandable+field point accuracy= Lethal results

I will say that improvements could be made by beefing them up a little but In all they are really good heads

I was so impressed with these heads that I am going to do some hunting with them this season

This now concludes the test of the Big Papa Scouts 5 shot Broadhead Field test.

THIS WAS ONLY A TEST. it is ultimately your desision whether to try them or not  

My next test will be on the Dead head Demons  

A special Thanks goes to 5 Shot for the development of this method of testing to which should set the standard for testing all broad heads on the market
Obstacles are those little stumbling blocks that clutter our path when we take our eyes off of the Lord!