I load for a bunch of different handgun in several different cals. I use only 2 powders, Bulleyes for plinking loads and Win. 296 for hunting loads. That`s the way I`ve been doing it since the late 1980`s, so I`ve never tried Lil gun. H-110 is about identical to Win 296 and the only reason I chose it over the H 110 is because I can buy it cheaper in 8 lb. cans. With the Win. 296 or the H 110 keep your loads at max. or near max. and I would recomand that you try the Serria 240 gn. JHP for deer, best accuracy and terminal preformance combo of ant of the bullets I`ve tried and I shot alot of different bullets in a .44 mag. since I got my first one in 1966.