Author Topic: Anyone ever had their rifle barrel cut down?  (Read 625 times)

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Offline Cheyenne Ranger

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Anyone ever had their rifle barrel cut down?
« on: July 12, 2005, 04:06:08 PM »
Was sitting here with nothing to do as the July newsletter is done for the club and got to thinking what it would cost to get a 24" Marlin cut down to a 20" one.

Figure I could do it with a hacksaw and a brick to smooth out the rough edges  :grin: but I bet a gunsmith would do a much better job.

Figure the barrel and mag tube would need to be cut off.  Some milling for sights, some screw holes drilled and taped.  I'm sure there's more to it.

Any info out there about this?

SASS 48747L
Thunder River Renegades
SBSS #1170--OGB

Offline John Traveler1

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shortening rifle barrel to carbine length
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2005, 03:51:39 AM »
1.  Shortening a rifle barrel is best done with power machines for a several reasons:

a lathe is quicker, more precise, and makes a perfect muzzle crown.  downside:  usually need to remove barrel.  milling machine and drill press for dovetails and drilled holes.   precise measuring and setup needed.

2.  Hacksaw and file work can do a good job too, but is slower, requires more craftsmanship in measuring, and tedious muzzle crowning.  Filing dovetails and drilling for reattached magazine tube also needs slow, careful work.  Need special plug and bottoming taps in gunsmithing screw sizes, and drill press for barrel holes.

If you (or your gunsmith) are master class craftsmen, then an excellent job can be done using only hand tools.  

For most everyone else, a trip to the gunsmith or skilled machinist is in order.  I would guess that this work would cost close to $100 if professionally done.  
