Never heard of the .19 Badger, but was looking at the .19-223 Calhoon pretty hard acouple of years ago. I don`t know what ranges your looking for, but the .19 Calhoon, built on the .22 Hornet case should be a great round also. I have a .17 AH and with Calhoons 19 gn. bullets it shoots point blank to abt. 290 yrds. with only 10.4 gn. of H-4227. I desided against the .19 cal. because Calhoon is the only manfacture of .19 cal. bullets I know of. If you build a .19 cal. and find a load you like I would advise laying up a life time supply of bullets incase he goes out of business.
I like wildcats also. I have 2 in .17 cal, 1 in .22 cal., 2 in .25 cal., and 1 in .411 cal.