Well it's only been 3 months since I bought them but we finally got out to the range today.
One word to sum it up: "WOW"!
I zeroed-in my 12 ga at 25 yds with some copper solids I had left over from last year. Right out of the box shot after shot were almost touching with no flyers in between
Moved out to 50 and even though the 12 ga liked the Lightfields it loved the Barnes Expanders. First two with the Barnes were almost touching a inch high and an inch right. A few clicks later there was a 3 shot cloverleaf in the bullseye.
Never ever was I able to shoot with such accuracy and consistency with my 870.
The boy did good for his first time ever at the range with his 20 gauge. I think one more trip is all it will take and he'll be right there.
As far as all the discussions about the recoil in the 12 gauge, to that I'll answer with a question: "what recoil?" Compared to my old 870 the 12 ga USH was like shooting a BB gun. Grant it these weren't the 1900 fps rounds, and the Lightfields kicked a bit more than the copper solids and Barnes', but overall recoil was an after thought. 35 rounds later my shoulder feels just like it did this morning!
I would really appreciate to hear any comments on the following though:
After about 20 rounds both my and my son's accuracy seemed to diminish. Grant it it was a hot 90 degree afternoon and we were both getting tired, but I wonder if it might of had to do more with the barrel overheating and fouling. I cleaned his out after about 20 some rounds but it didn't seem to change things much.
What might your range method be that you've found the best to get on target and stay on target. At $12 a box it pays to shoot efficiently?