Author Topic: Ghost ring sights for deer hunting  (Read 1184 times)

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Offline BradCoPAHunter

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Ghost ring sights for deer hunting
« on: July 29, 2005, 05:41:47 PM »
I'm still shopping around for a shotgun for multipurpose deer/turkey/small game hunting.  Because money is tight, I figured I'd start with a rifle sight barrel this year.  Then next year I'd have the gun's receiver drilled and tapped and then mount a scope.  I haven't seen scope mounts/bases for shotguns, though.  Plus, I'd have to take the scope off for small game hunting.  Kind of a hassle, and extra wear on the parts I'm thinking, though.

Another option I just thought about is installing a ghost ring setup.  I figure that the ghost ring is still a little slower to aim with than a scope, but maybe I'm wrong.  Anyone using such a setup for deer hunting?

Offline gino

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Ghost ring sights for deer hunting
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2005, 10:23:03 AM »
I had the reciever of my Mossberg 500 drilled & tapped for a Williams 5D sight. With the "twilight" aperture in it or with the disc removed altogether it was a functional "ghost ring" sight. With the rear sight on the slug barrel folded flat the combo worked good for deer. By removing the sight (leaving the base attached to the gun) & switching barrels I was good to go for small game. To me an aperture sight is as fast or a little faster to use as a scope. YMMV
gino :grin:

Offline Ramrod

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Ghost ring sights for deer hunting
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2005, 12:45:33 PM »
BradCoPAHunter, another option to consider. Why not just sell the rifle sight barrel, and buy a rifled cantilever mount tube later when you have the $. Skips the hassle of the drill and tap, and not all that much more money in the long run. And if you mount a scope on the reciever, you will be re-zeroing every time you change barrels, so you have to add in the cost of all those slugs.
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