The 7600 is not listed on the current Remington Custom Shop website. A better way to go, IMO, would be to have the factory-stock rifle worked over by a good custom gunsmith. That way you can specify exactly what is important to you and not have to pay for engraving you don't like, etc. A quality barrel and chambering job can make these rifles into sub-moa tack drivers in whatever appropriate chambering you choose. I had mine redone into a .338-06 and it cuts consistent 0.8 moa 3-shot groups with loads it likes - pretty decent for such a cartridge. A .25-06 or similar would be a real accurate and powerful deer rifle, and you'd surprise your fellow hunters by shooting groups smaller than their factory bolt guns. Accuracy with the Remington 760/7600 has been noted for decades to be exceptional, in many cases better than comparable bolt rifles. As stated above, the 740/742 gas guns have a more spotted history...
Work needed for accuracy:
* high quality barrel with a
good chamber and crown
* reworked trigger for sub-2 lb let-off
* polished action for increased smoothness
* heavier hammer spring for faster lock time
* quality scope appropriate for intended use, mounted low
* different stock depending on intended use